• 15 Best Fantasy Movies On Netflix

    24 September 2020

    There was an article on the Binge Post site back in July, entitled: 15 Best Fantasy Movies on Netflix [Sci-Fi, Action, Romance, Horror and Supernatural]. Guess what freaky, vampish little movie from 2009 snuck in at Number 15?!? The news even disturbed Mr Crepsley, who bolted awake and sprung up out of his coffin gasping "WHAT -- SERIOUSLY?!?" :-)




    Heh heh -- I know a lot of my fans absolutely despise the Cirque Du Freak movie, and I have a lot of sympathy for that point of view, as it was only VERY lightly based on the storyline of my books, mixed up a whole load of the characters and themes, failed to capture the darkness of the books, and introduced spoilers from later in the series that should never have seen the light of day this early.


    And yet... as I've been saying even since before the movie was released, on its own terms it's a fairly cool little vampire flick, very different to everything else out there, which ticks along nicely and creates its own rules and feel. Of course I would have preferred a far more faithful adaptation, and hopefully we'll get that one day, but a lot of people genuinely enjoyed the film (sadly, not enough to make it a box office hit, which is why there was never a sequel), and even today, eleven years later, it has its followers and champions, like the reviewers over at Binge Post.


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