Arra Sails essay
09 December 2024Arra Sails remains one of the most popular characters from my Cirque Du Freak books, even though she didn't have a lot of page time in the series. She actually was never planned to be as important a character as she turned out to be -- she just took on a life of her own as I was writing the Vampire Mountain books, and ended up forcing herself into the story. It's always a pleasure when that happens with a character, and I loved getting to bring her back the Larten Crepsley books, so that we could see more of her in action and development.
An Arra fan, called JULIANA, wrote a highly interesting essay about her last year, talking about what makes the character so interesting, and why Juliana enjoyed reading about her so much. It's definitely worth a read, and you can find it here:
The artwork, which matches the essay perfectly (almost as if it was the work of DesTiny!!) is by another fan called LIV.