• 29 redo’s please!

    10 December 2020

    There was an article on BuzzFeed a while back entitled 29 Book-To-Movie Adaptations That People Really Want A Redo Of. I've no idea why they chose 29 as opposed to a nice round number like 10, 20 or 30, but then again, why do lists like these always have to conform to a standard number of entries?!? Dagnab it, I like their style, and from now on I want EVERY list to include weird, random numbers -- no more Top 10s, I want Top 17s!!!!! :-)




    Anyway, the Cirque Du Freak movie got a mention. I've posted a lot of positive articles about the film over the last few months, but as I've always said, I don't do that because I feel under any obligation to big it up -- I simply include links like this as and when I stumble across them online, and in recent times most views of the movie have been rosy-tinged. But plenty of reviewers and fans didn't like it to, so this one's for you guys -- feel free to get your boxing gloves out and give it a right good pounding!!!! :-)




    Oh, one last thing. The reviewer doesn't think a TV reboot is ever going to happen, but the word on the streets (well, in the tunnels) of Vampire Mountain is that the reviewer might well be proved wrong. Mr Crepsley and co want to strut their freaky stuff again one day, and they're picking away at the powers that be in TV land trying to make it happen, so hopefully we'll see a (hopefully more faithful) small screen adaptation one day in the not too distant future...



    The December issue of my monthly newsletter is live. It contains all the latest Darren Shan news and updates, details of a couple of upcoming sales, info about an incoming Christmas story, and a whole lot more. You can check it out by clicking on the following link: https://www.darrenshan.com/news/shanville-monthly/

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