• 5 books that need a TV show

    24 November 2021

    A writer over on a site called Set The Tape recently wrote an article called 5 Books That Need A TV Show, which lists five books that... well, I think you can work out the rest from the title!!! :-)


    When this popped up in my news feed, I was expecting it to reference Cirque Du Freak, but to my pleasant surpise it actually mentioned another of my series among the five books -- the blood-drenched gorefest that is The Demonata!!! The writer, Amy, started by saying, "Officially a ‘children’s’ series, The Demonata by Darren Shan might have one of the most messed up beginnings I’ve ever read," and I'd find it hard to argue with that!!! I wrote chapter two of Lord Loss to be a shocking, jaw-dropping, head-spinning introduction to my first post-vampires work, and all these years later, I still think (humility be damned!!) it stands head and shoulders above the opening of pretty much any other book anyone might care to mention. Well, it WOULD stand head and shoulders above, IF that head hadn't been so shockingly lopped off!!!! :-)


    To check out what else Amy had to say about The Demonata and why it should be adapted for TV, and to see the other four books that made the cut, click here: https://setthetape.com/2021/08/31/5-books-that-need-a-tv-show/



    To tie in with Black Friday, I've temporarily reduced the price of the eBook of Archibald Lox And The Missing Princess to just $0.99 in the USA, £0.99 in the UK, €0.99 in European stores, and a similar low price in all other territories.Act NOW if you want to nab it at an incredibly low bargain price, by clicking on any of the following links:


    AMAZON STORES: http://getbook.at/ArchieVolume1

    APPLE, B&N NOOK, KOBO, and others: https://books2read.com/u/mdnKl5


    GOOGLE PLAY: https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Darren_Shan_Archibald_Lox_Volume_1_The_Missing_Pri?id=w7ADEAAAQBAJ

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