• 5 days until Tunbridge Wells

    25 April 2022

    The countdown is on!! Five days from now, on Saturday April 30th (the bank holiday weekend in the UK), I'll be doing my first event in AGES at the Tunbridge Wells Literary Festival. It all kicks off at 2pm. I'll be reading extracts from four of my book series and answering as many questions from the audience as I can. That will run about an hour and a quarter. After that I'll be signing for another couple of hours -- you can either buy books at the event (they'll have some copies of Volume 1 of my Archibald Lox series, at a truly bargain price!!) or bring books from home, or both!


    I assume you'll be able to have your photo taken with me too, though I'll let each fan decide whether or not they want to get that close to me -- in these COVID-plagued times, I'll understand if anyone would rather keep their distance. But if any of you DO want to snuggle up close for a quick snap with me (and assuming the organisers allow it), I'll be strangling just like I did in the good old days. Ah -- how I've missed the strangling!!!! :-) :-) :-)


    Tickets are still available, and you can book them by clicking here: https://theamelia.co.uk/tw-lit-fest/darren-shan/





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