• 50th birthday gifts

    15 July 2022

    Look, I don't want to milk my 50th birthday (which fell on the 2nd of July), but I have two more posts to share, one today and one tomorrow, and then I'll be done with it -- promise!!!


    So, today we have a couple of photos. The first, a collage, was shared with me by a fan in Iran called Reza Kiamohamadi, who asked some of her fellow Shansters to take a seflie with a birthday message for me. She put them together to create this lovely, heartwarming image. (My books have been very popular in Iran over the years, but sadly most of them have been published illegally, by publishers who haven't signed a contract with me or ever paid me any of the large profits that they've made. I have nothing against my Iranian fans, and have always appreciated their support, but that does mean you won't find the covers on my site -- except for a couple of Zom-B books, which were published legally -- or any official acknowledgement of their existence by me, as I don't like to promote thievery.)


    The second photo is of me and my son Dante, standing next to a 2007 Ferrari which definitely stands out as the best present I received this year!! Basically, a group of fans decided to have a quick whip-round, and raised rather more than they had anticipated. When they asked me what I'd like them to get me, I jokingly said I'd always fancied being the owner of a red Ferrari, and... well...


    NO!!! Of course you guys didn't buy me a Ferrari -- I'm JOKING!!!! This was taken at the Claygate Flower show when I was in Esher (a suburb of London) with my family last week! They had a display of vintage cars, and I couldn't resist having a quick snap next to this beauty. But hey -- I had you going for a second there, didn't I?!?!? :-) :-) :-)



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