• A Connoisseur’s Sinkhole To Hell

    08 June 2022

    As I believe I've mentioned before, one of my favourite reviewers is The Literary Connoisseur. It's not just because she keeps giving my books glowing reviews (although of course that doesn't hurt!!), rather it's the quality of the those reviews. There's a real knack to writing a properly GOOD review -- if it's too short, it tells you very little about a book, but if it's too long, it starts to get boring.


    The Literary Connoisseur gets it just right, as in her review for my latest release, Archibald Lox and the Sinkhole to Hell. Rather than just say, "Yeah, this was a good book, I enjoyed it!" she explains WHY she enjoyed it, and why she's recommending it. She ends with a lovely, quotable line (which I've used on the back cover of the paperback), which is "Archibald Lox and the Sinkhole to Hell is an emotional, thrilling, and wonderous tale of friendship, adventure, self-discovery, and loyalty prevailing over corruption." But there's a whole lot more to the review before that, that gives us a perfect understanding of why the book worked for her, and is an example to us all of how to get it RIGHT if we set out to review a book ourselves.


    You can read the full review -- and you SHOULD read the full review -- by clicking here: https://theliteraryconnoisseur.blogspot.com/2022/05/archibald-lox-and-sinkhole-to-hell-by.html


    And if the review moves you to give the book a try, you'll find some handy direct buying links for it in the June issue of my online monthly newsletter: https://darrenshan.com/news/shanville-monthly


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