• A snowy morning in Shanville

    25 April 2021

    It's been a lovely sunny weekend in Shanville -- I've been outside in a T-shirt, no jumper, for the first time this year -- so what better time to share some snowy family photos?!? :-)


    We don't get much snow in Limerick, and it usually doesn't settle for long when it falls -- these photos were all taken one morning several weeks ago, when we had our only brief snowfall of the year, and it had all disappeared by lunchtime. Still, that was just about enough time for the kids to spell out their names in the snow... throw a few snowballs... and build the first quarter of a snowman. I guess we'll have to wait until next year (or the year after... or the year after... or...) to build all the way up to his head... :-)






    You can find more snow in Volume 2 of the Cirque Du Freak MANGA omnibus, which is on sale NOW, as it includes book 3 (Tunnels of Blood) which was set around Christmas time, and book 4 (Vampire Mountain) which sees the action move to... well... Vampire Mountain, where it's wintry and snowy pretty much all year round! Find out more about it, including where you can buy it, by clicking here: https://darrenshan.com/news/article/cirque-du-freak-manga-volume-2-on-sale-today

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