• A true Literary Connoisseur

    08 September 2021

    I released Archibald Lox and the Rubicon Dictate, the latest book in my Archibald Lox series, at the start of this month -- book 6 of 9, it draws the second volume story arc to its conclusion, with the third volume set to see print next year.


    The Volume 2 books have been picking up fab reviews, both from critics and readers, and one of my favourite reviews came from the Literary Connoisseur. I know, I know -- I shouldn't have favourites! But some reviewers have the same way with words that a good novelist has, and the Literary Connoisseur is one of those. It's not the fact that she liked the book -- she did, lots -- but the way that she expressed her appreciation of it, that had me purring like a very happy, oversized cat, and tipping an admiring penman's hat in her virtual direction! Just run your eye over these lines...


    "I maintained throughout my reading experience of the Archibald Lox series that book two in volume one, The Empress of Suanpan (that I've yet to write a review for), was by far, my absolute favorite. That was, until The Rubicon Dictate. A quarter of the book in, and the Empress of Suanpan was riding her unicycle the long way down to second place."


    I mean... "riding her unicycle the long way down to second place..." that's just verbal artistry!! Kudos to the Connoisseur!!!


    You can read the full review -- and please, PLEASE read the full review, it's not very long, and it deserves as many views as I can drum up for it -- by clicking here: https://theliteraryconnoisseur.blogspot.com/2021/08/archibald-lox-and-rubicon-dictate-by.html


    And for more info about the Archibald Lox books, including very convenient buying links, check out my monthly newsletter: https://darrenshan.com/news/shanville-monthly


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