• A twisty little beast!

    27 September 2022

    I loved this review by Mahtab, over on Goodreads, for Archibald Lox And The Legion Of The Lost, the final book in my Archibald Lox series: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/61117523-archibald-lox-and-the-legion-of-the-lost

    Mahtab said: "I loved this book and I loved this series... As the finale, this book was perfect. It was unpredictable, it was suspenseful, and the action was well paced."

    That's the kind of praise that puts a BIG smile on my face!! But that's not why I've linked to the review. I have to be careful here, because the review contains big SPOILERS -- and, in fairness, Mahtab has marked it as such, and the review is hidden on the page, so you can only read it if you click to reveal it.

    Anyway, in the books, Archie alternates between our world - the Born - and the fantasy worlds of the Merge. We don't get to see much of his home life in the Born, and Mahtab notes that she was disappointed by that in the first two Volumes of the series, as it seemed that I was skipping over some very important scenes, and "it felt rushed to me and I knew it wasn't the Darren Shan way." But then she read book 9 and noted with delight that "NOW it all makes sense."

    Heh heh!!! Listen, I've been at this writing business a long time now. I've published something like 60 books over the last 23 years. Surely you regular readers of mine have worked out by now that there's nothing I love more than pulling the rug out from under your feet, and throwing in surprise twists that seem to come from completely out of left field, but in actual fact have been carefully orchestrated far in advance. In short, if something seems a bit OFF in one of my books or series, your Spidey-senses should be tingling, because it's almost certainly a sign that I'm messing with your mind and am about to pull the mother of all twists on you at some point down the line!!!!!


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