• A very Dante takeover

    03 April 2022

    My son Dante often complains that he hates having his photo taken, but who's going to believe him when he's happily starring in snaps like these four?!?


    The first was taken after he'd had his first COVID vaccination jab -- if those loveably nutty anti-vaxxers are correct (and why wouldn't they be, with opinions based on wild conspiracy theories as opposed to scientific fact?!?) then in five years time he's probably going to look like the toy that he's holding... :-) :-) :-)


    The second was taken in a fun house when travelling funfair Funderland came to Limerick for the first time since the lockdowns started. (I was going to flip it into its correct position, but I quite like this kooky angle!)


    The third was taken at Halloween, when he dressed up as an Among Us character. I'm sure that hand-sign he's making must be some international sign indicating peace and love for your fellow human beings...


    And in the fourth, taken shortly before Halloween, when we visited his Babcia's house in for the last time (she's since moved into a lovely snug flat), Dante shows off his impeccably daring fashion sense -- trust me, this time next year, EVERYONE will be wearing boxing gloves on their feet instead of shoes!!!!




    For all the latest Darren Shan news, click here: https://darrenshan.com/news/shanville-monthly





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