• Addicted to Archibald!

    22 April 2020

    My Archibald Lox books have continued to generate a great response from readers, drawing a swathe of positive reviews on Amazon and Goodreads. Bloggers have fallen for Archie's charms too, as you can see from this excerpt from Addicted To Media's review for Book 1:


    "Archibald Lox and the Bridge Between Worlds is a perfect middle grade book. It has a beautiful cover and an alluring title with the promise of high adventure. Most importantly? I couldn't put it down and read it in almost one sitting, starting last night and finishing at 5am this morning (I did grab some sleep in between). For grabbing my attention from the very first page and making me excited about a series for the first time in ages, I give Archibald Lox and the Bridge Between Worlds a superb five out of five stars."


    Wowzahs! You can't ask for a better review than that, can you?!? To read the whole review, click on the following link:




    The first three Archibald Lox ebooks are on sale now. If you haven't tried them yet, you can download the first book for FREE!


    To get it on Amazon, click here: http://mybook.to/ArchieBridge


    For a host of other stores, including Kobo, Apple and Nook, click here: https://books2read.com/u/4AzG7q


    And to get it on Google Play, click here: https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=oUjbDwAAQBAJ


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  • Comments

    No AvatarLamont
    23, Apr, 2020
    Mr. Shan,

    I don't want to make this to long so I'll keep it short. Your books are the reason I think of reading as something fun and exciting to do and not a chore. The Cirque Du Freak series was amazing, the Thin Executioner is in my top 5 books of all time, I'm still reading the Zom B series(Library only had up to Zom B: Angels) and now this Archibald Lox series. I literally read all 3 books in 2 days (Would've been 1 but work got in the way). The way you told this story with the twists and turns and surprises around every corner, you had my eyes glued to my screen. Any chance you've started on the next books in the series? I have to know How Archie explains his adventure.

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