• After the 11th day—no rest!!

    12 October 2010

    The last 2 days of the tour were every bit as enjoyable as the first nine! I did a very enjoyable, sold-out event in Cheltenham -- I actually went a bit over my allotted time because I was having so much fun and wanted to squeeze in another extract!! I had a lovely meal that night in a converted cinema. We were actually sitting at a table beside Marcus Sedgwick (I'm a big fan of My Swordhand Is Singing). I said hello to him, but we didn't have a chance to have a proper chat -- some other time, hopefully! On Sunday I drove down to Bath and did a two and a half hour signing in Waterstones, a great finish to the tour.

    The tour went as smoothly as a baby's bottom!! We had no disappointing events or signings, whcih is a rarity -- normally you get at least one let-down on a tour! The fans were as wonderful as ever, as were all the booksellers, librarians, teachers and parents who helped accomodate us. There were no mammoth 3 or 4 hour signings this time, but that's because we largely avoided the larger cities -- I wanted to reach some of the more out-of-the-way places on this tour, along with some places that I hadn't been to in several years. Because I tour so often in the UK and Ireland, I find myself often returning to the same major cities, and while I've no problem with that, it is nice to get off the beaten path as well and connect with fans in places where most authors wouldn't normally go. For me, one of the responsibilites of being successful is that you should try to spread yourself out a bit more. If you've built up a large audience, do your best to go give as many of them as possible a chance to come get their books signed, not just those lucky enough to live in the big cities and towns which are part of any normal tour route. I often get my best receptions in the most unlikely of places. It's good to explore!!!!



    Normally at the end of a tour I return home and relax for a day or two, before gradually easing myself back into my work schedule. Not this time!! Building work on my extension is close to its end -- another few weeks and it should all be done and dusted!! But that means there are loads of last-minute decisions and tweaks to be made. I've barely had time to sit at my PC over the last couple of days!! As I've said before, it's not work I actively enjoy, since I'd much rather be beavering away on a story. But it has to be done, and it's satisfying to see the work of an entire year finally beginning to fall firmly into place. I just wish it didn't exhaust me so much!! I'd never have made a brickie!!!!!

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