• Al Wrote a Moll

    06 December 2021

    As many of you are no doubt already aware, I write books for adults under the name of Darren Dash (having publishing some under the Darren Shan name many years ago). I've been rather quiet on that front recently, as the massive Archibald Lox series has been consuming most of my time over the last couple of years -- there's just so much more you have to do when you're a self-publisher! I'm hoping to release a new Darren Dash book at some point next year, though there's a good chance it might be 2023 before it sees print, depending on when the last three Archie books see print...


    While we're waiting, here's a link to a lovely review from a few months ago, for my most recent release as Darren Dash -- a fast-paced thriller called Molls Like It Hot. The review appeared on a site called Al Wrote A Book, who replied to his own question of Is It Any Good? with a nice, resounding "Simple answer – yes." The review could have stopped there and I'd have been happy enough, but thankfully Al went on to chat about it in a bit more detail than that, and you can read his full review here: https://www.alwroteabook.com/2021/05/08/molls-like-it-hot-by-darren-dash/


    If you want to find out more about my Darren Dash books, I have a separate website for them, though I haven't updated it since Molls went on sale a couple of years ago -- in fact, now that I think of it, I don't believe I've even added my notes for Molls yet (usually I write some author's notes for each book that I publish). Something else to add to my Must Do Soon list... :-) Anyway, here's the link for the Dash site: http://www.darrendashbooks.com/


    And if you want to catch up with my more recent news, here's the link for the December issue of my online monthly newsletter: https://darrenshan.com/news/shanville-monthly


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