• Amity Lee Inktober Part 5

    13 January 2021

    In October a fan called Amity Lee committed herself to INKTOBER, where artists set themselves a challenge of producing a certain amount of work over the course of the month, inspired by a set of "prompt" words. Amity Lee drew a piece EVERY SINGLE DAY of the month, based on my Saga Of Larten Crepsley series, telling the story in pictures. I've already posted fifteen drawings. Here are the next four, which start with the story in Book 3, Palace of the Damned.


    In the first, in his lowest moment, when Larten can't see a way forward, a VERY unexpected hand pulls him back from the brink of an untimely end and sets him on his path through life again.



    The second captures him in one of the happiest times of his life, in which he poses for a portrait with the women who (arguably) was the greatest love of his life.



    The third is a very flattering portrait of Vancha March, who would no doubt be tickled pink if he saw it!



    And the fourth shows us Larten Crepsley in his favoured cloak of red, looking as dapper a vampire as a vampire ever did dapperly look!! :-)


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