• Amity Lee Inktober Part 8

    13 February 2021

    All good things must come to an end, and so we reach the end of Larten Crepsley's road with Amity Lee and her drawings inspired by the four Saga Of Larten Crepsley books. Back in October she committed herself to INKTOBER, where artists produce a certain amount of work over the course of the month, inspired by a set of "prompt" words. Amity Lee drew a piece EVERY SINGLE DAY of the month, based on my Saga Of Larten Crepsley series, telling the story of the four books in pictures. I've already posted twenty-seven drawings. Here are the final four.


    The first drawing is the tails to the heads of last week's fourth drawing, featuring Larten and Wester. As I've already said in this post, all good things must come to an end... :-(



    "Larten... meet Madam Octa. Madam Octa... meet Larten." :-)



    It's only at the very end of the series that Mr Crepsley as we know and love him from the original series fully comes into being. Here he is in all his glory, the night Darren and Steve met him at the Cirque Du Freak.



    There was never any mystery about where the Saga of Larten Crepsley was going to end. I told fans right from the start that the books would finish where Cirque Du Freak began, on the night Mr Crepsley runs into Darren and Steve for the first. And here are the boys, all lined up by DesTiny for that first, life-changing encounter...


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