• Another Spanish-style Tattoo Tuesday!

    25 January 2022

    A couple of weeks ago, I featured what I believe was the first ever Spanish-language tattoo based on a quote from one of my books that I've shared in a Tattoo Tuesday post. Well, we haven't had to wait too long for the second!


    A fan called Melina sent me this shot of her tattoo, which is the title of book 9 of my vampire series -- Killers of the Dawn -- or, in Spanish, Asesinos del Alba!!! Melina chose this book because it meant so much to her -- as, I think, it does to an awful lot of my readers. I suspect many of you shudder and maybe even shed a few tears when you cast your thoughts back to it -- but I doubt many of you have ever truly forgotten it!!!! :-)


    I found an image of a Spanish edition of Killers of the Dawn online, when looking for a companion picture to go with the photo of the tattoo. That confused me at first, because my Spanish publishers only published the first book individually, before releasing books 1 to 9 in three trilogy bind-ups years later, when the movie was released. Then I realised it had been created by a fan, who also Spanishised (not a proper word, I know, but it should be!!) the other books in the series -- you can have a look at them here: https://www.sopadelibros.com/autor/darren-shan


    If you're ever looking for an official cover of any of my books, from any of the many countries around the world where they have been published, you can find them all on the COVERS page of my web site, by clicking here: https://darrenshan.com/covers



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