• Archibald hits Joshua’s sweet spot!

    14 January 2021

    It's sweet when someone reads a book of mine and really likes it -- and even sweeter when they take to the internet to declare their love from the virtual rooftops!! :-) That's what a fan called Joshua recently did on a Darren Shan Facebook page run by fans, for fans. Here's what he had to say about it:


    Just finished the book and oh my god it's amazing! If anyone hasn't read it yet, I'd highly recommend you do! I love the characters, the world building was really good throughout the first volume. Overall an amazing book, parts 14 and 15 were super tense... Yeah, love the book and I can't wait for volume 2

    It's been almost a year since I casually dropped the first three books of Volume One of my new Archibald Lox series on an unsuspecting world. (The book in the photo collects those three books into one nice, chunky volume.) I put them on sale towards the end of March, but didn't announce it until April 1st, and did it in such a way that many people thought it was an April Fools Joke!!


    If you haven't yet hooked up with Archie, you can find out more about the books in the current issue of my Monthly Newsletter, which also lists some the places you can buy them (as eBooks, paperbacks, or hardbacks), and where you can find the best deals. Just click here:




    Oh, and expect the three books of Volume Two to start coming out in the summer time, most probably...


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