• Archibald Lox paperbacks

    07 September 2020

    In case you missed the news in the latest issue of the Shanville Monthly... I have an update for those of you who've been waiting patiently for the paperback edition(s) of Volume 1 of my new Archibald Lox series. I've finally started putting these together, and can confirm that after much consideration I've decided to release both a collected bindup of the first Volume in one book, as well as paperback editions of the three individual titles. So you'll have a choice -- you can buy Volume 1 as a single book and read the story the way I originally wrote it and intended for it to be read (I'll be making this edition available in a digital format too) or you can buy and read it as three short books, the way I broke it down for its digital release. The bindup will have a new cover, very different to the eBooks, while the individual titles will feature the eBook covers.


    My advice is to get the bindup -- as well as putting the story back the way it was, it's going to be a few dollars cheaper than if you buy the three books separately. Although, having said that, I know a lot of you love those original covers and want to see them on your book shelf. You could of course buy both editions, but I'm honestly not doing this for that reason -- I never like to milk my fans, and thought long and hard about just releasing the cost-effective bindup edition, but in the end I decided to give fans the option, as quite a few of you said you wanted to be able to buy the shorter books.


    Oh, and even though I've previously said I wouldn't be doing it (because I didn't think it was a genuine option) it's looking like I might do a hardback bindup edition as well, primarily for libraries, though it could also be an option for those of you who want to seriously splash the cash!!


    I'm aiming for an October 1st release date, but that will depend on a number of factors -- if things take a little longer than anticipated to come together, that could push back to later in October, or possibly even November. Stay tuned for updates...



    Oh, and if you want to check out the Shanville Monthly for all the other Darren Shan news and updates, and to enter an exciting new COMPETITION, click here: https://www.darrenshan.com/news/shanville-monthly

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