• Archie all 3 omnibuses SALE

    30 January 2023

    Heads up, bargain hunters!!!


    I've managed to secure a BOOKBUB listing for Archibald Lox Volume 1: The Missing Princess this Monday, January 30th. For those who don't know about BookBub, it's the industry leader of eBook sales promos. Each week they alert the people on their huge mailing list to a selection of eBooks which are either free or whose prices have been cut for a temporary sale. If you're lucky enough to be chosen, it's a brilliant way to reach a massive number of new readers in one fell swoop.


    This is the first time that the omnibus Volume has been listed with BookBub, so I've decided to make the most of the deal by also reducing the prices of Volumes 2 and 3 -- for the next week, until February 6th, you can buy the entire series at the cheapest price it's ever been offered at!!


    Volume 1 (which collects books 1, 2 and 3) normally costs $2.99 in the USA, £2.49 in the UK, and a similar price elsewhere. During the sale, it will cost just $0.99 in the USA (and Canada and Australia), £0.99 in the UK, and a similar price everywhere else in the world.


    Volume 2 (books 4, 5 and 6) normally costs $4.99 in the USA or £3.99 in the UK, while Volume 3 (books 7, 8 and 9) usually costs $5.99 USA or £4.99 in the UK. During the sale, you can pick up each Volume for just $2.99 in the USA, £1.99 in the UK, and a matching low price everywhere else in the world.


    So, if you don't own ANY of the eBooks, you can buy all three Volumes for less than $7 or its local equivalent where you live!!! Which is by far the lowest price any of my long series has ever been offered for.


    You should be able to buy the books through any online store that sells eBooks -- to make it easier for you, I'm listing links for Volume 1 on the most popular eSites. Happy shopping everybody!!!


    Amazon / Apple: http://getbook.at/ArchieVolume1

    Barnes & Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/archibald-lox-volume-1-darren-shan/1137946386?ean=2940164496340

    Kobo / Google Play / Scribd / Indigo / Angus & Robertson: https://books2read.com/u/bzgLx9




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