• Archie will be at Tunbridge Wells… hopefully!

    31 March 2022

    As I revealed in an excited post last week, I'm going to be making a rare public appearance at the Tunbridge Wells Literary Festival (in southeast England) on Saturday, April 30th, at 2pm. https://theamelia.co.uk/tw-lit-fest/darren-shan/


    One of the reasons I haven't been doing events in recent years is that my latest series, Archibald Lox, is self-published, which makes it difficult to have books available to buy on the day. But the staff at the festival have been incredibly helpful, and the plan is to have a good number of copies of the paperback edition of Volume One of the series available to buy on the day, and probably at quite a low price. We can't at the moment 100% guarantee the book's availability, but it's looking good, so... fingers crossed!! If they ARE on sale, this will be the first time that fans have ever had a chance to buy them at a Festival, and this will also be the first time I have ever signed Archibald Lox copies for fans at an event.


    There will probably be books from my back catalogue on sale too (i.e. from my older series), and of course, everyone is more than welcome to bring books from their collection at home as well. I'm hoping to be able to sign as many books as each fan wishes to get signed (I normally do one message per fan, in a book of their choice, then sign any other books of mine that they've brought along, even if they've brought their entire collection), though I'll only have about 2 hours after my event for signing, as I'm flying back to Ireland that night, so it will depend on how many people turn up -- if we have a full house, we might have to put a limit in place.


    Anyway, I'm REALLY looking forward to this event, as it's been such a long time since my last public appearance. It will be nice if I get a big crowd, but I'll be delighted no matter what -- it's just going to be a thrill to be out there on a stage again!!! If you're interested in booking tickets to come to the event, click here: https://theamelia.co.uk/tw-lit-fest/darren-shan/


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