• Ask Me Anything… soon!!

    19 July 2022

    One week from today... the gag will be coming off!!!


    Two exciting things happen on Tuesday, July 26th.


    1 - The final book of my Archibald Lox series goes on sale.


    2 - To celebrate the end of the series, I'm doing a REDDIT AMA -- the AMA stands for Ask Me Anything.


    At 2pm Eastern Time USA (which is 7pm in the UK and Ireland) I'll be logging into the Reddit site online and answering questions from fans for the following couple of hours. I've done this twice before, and it's been a blast each time -- everyone who takes part gets a chance to pitch their questions to me, and I do my best to answer as many of them as possible. And although I'm doing the AMA to tie in with the release of the last Archibald Lox book, fans are free to ask me anything they please, and I'll be more than happy to answer questions about my old books, the Cirque Du Freak movie, my writing process, or anything else.


    This is the link for the Reddit AMA schedule page: https://old.reddit.com/r/books/wiki/amafullschedule


    You should be able to access the chat from that link on the day -- I'll also be providing a direct link from my blog, Facebook and Twitter pages on the day.


    Start thinking hard about what you'd like to ask me if our paths ever crossed -- and next Tuesday, virtually, if you turn up at the appointed time... they will!!!!


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