• AU Demonata fan art

    11 April 2020

    A fan called Emma has been having fun with the main characters from my Demonata series -- Grubbs Grady, Kernel Fleck, and Bec MacConn. (I almost forgot, as I was typing, that Bec has a surname -- I'm so used to just referring to her by her first name that I almost stopped at that!) Rather than depicting scenes from the books, she's been imagining alternate universes for them. In the order depicted...


    In the first, the three teens head for the beach, where Grubbs gives us an idea of how HE sees himself!



    Emma labeled the second photo, "BNHA go to UA," which left me a bit stumped, I must admit! A quick Google search revealed that BNHA refers to My Hero Academia, a manga series that I'm unfamiliar with, and UA High School is where some of the characters attend.



    In the third, Emma imagines what Kernel might look like when he's 30 years older, which is the sort of age that I am in real life. I gotta say, I think he's holding up better than I am... :-)



    Actually, talk of Kernel has put me in mind of my new Archibald Lox series. While the new books are nowhere near as dark or horror-based as The Demonata, the first one does bear a certain Demon Thief vibe, because it's about a young boy who unknowingly opens a portal to another universe and steps through to explore. What Archie discovers is far less disturbing than what Kernel found, but hopefully it's just as intriguing...


    If you're interested in checking out, the first book is available as a FREE download, and books 2 and 3 are on sale now too.


    If you're an Amazon customer, click on this link for book 1: http://mybook.to/ArchieBridge


    If you prefer to buy your eBooks elsewhere, click here for a choice of stores (Google Play is coming, but they're not live there just yet): https://books2read.com/u/4AzG7q

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