• Ban the Zom-B babies!!

    29 May 2019

    Yesterday's post about a boy who'd enjoyed Zom-B Baby and posted a short review of it on Twitter reminded me of some harsher critics, who succeeded in having the book removed from the shelves of a supermarket chain -- and, to be honest, I kind of sympathised with them, even though it obviously hurt my book sales. Here's how I summed it up in my Author Notes for the book a while back:


    "When the book came out in the UK, it ended up being removed from the shelves of a prominent supermarket. Because books are treated like any other item in a supermarket (e.g. a bottle of milk or a loaf of bread) the staff in those stores aren't aware of the literary differences between a book for a 4 year old and a book for a 14 year old -- hence, all "children's books" tend to be lumped together. This meant that Zom-B Baby ended up being stuck very close to copies of the Peppa Pig books, and angry parents complained that the VERY scary cover was frightening their young ones! I guess that answers the question of who would win in a battle between zombies and Peppa Pig!!!!"


    :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)


    If you'd like to read all of my notes for the book, you can find them, along with my notes for every other book that I've ever published, over on my web site, by clicking here: https://www.darrenshan.com/books

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