• Beastly Sunburn

    29 July 2020

    I've featured a lot of fan art here over the years (such as just a couple of days ago, when I posted a few Darren Shan drawings), but this spine-shivering work by Amity Lee is one of the more unique pieces that's I've shared, because it's based on a beast from Sunburn, one of my Darren Dash books for adults. While talented Shansters draw characters from my YA books all the time, drawings like this from artistic Dashters (I just made that word up now!) are extremely rare.


    I've written across all kinds of genres with my books for adults, but Sunburn, as you can probably tell from the drawing, is out and out horror. It's more deliberately paced than my Darren Shan books, with a slow first half that annoyed some readers, but the second half is all action, as a lost, naked, sunburnt young man wanders through a mountain forest in Bulgaria and runs into the charming little creature that you can see pictured here.


    If you'd like to find out mroe about Sunburn and my other Darren Dash books, click here: http://www.darrendashbooks.com/


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