• Bernard Catam visits the Cirque Du Freak

    28 October 2021

    There was a very sweet review recently of Cirque Du Freak by an author called Bernard Catam, who lives in the Philippines. I love it when any reader takes the time to write a review for one of my books, but it's always extra sweet if that person happens to be a fellow author, as I know from personal experience that when you spend your whole working day immersed in a world of words, it can take a lot to draw you into writing a review in your supposed free time!! I often mean to write reviews for books I really love, but only very rarely get around to actually doing it, so kudos to Bernard for being a more diligent reviewing author than me!! :-)


    As Bernard says at the start of his review, this was his first time ever reading a book about vampires -- I must admit, that made me chuckle, as I immediately thought to myself, "Fresh blood!!!" What a creature of the night I am!!! To find out what Bernard made of his first foray into the world of vampires, click here: https://www.facebook.com/bernardcatam/posts/207035434620171


    [In case you're not able to -- or unwilling to -- access Facebook, I'm including the entire review below. But if you ARE able -- and willing -- to zip on over to Facebook, please read it there instead, so that Bernard can see the reach that his post is having.]


    I've never read a vampire book in my life before this. I remember watching the movie adaptation when I was a very young kid, younger than Darren (the book protagonist), but hardly recall anything. All I know is that there are freaks, vampire, and a kid.

    I bought a pre-loved mass paperback edition for only 60 pesos and started reading last month every lunch in my office. This is a quick book. Shorter chapters and quick-paced. The author naming the protagonist as himself or the other way around is so fitting. It felt like reading a diary of a 12-year-old boy about a 12-year-old boy.

    It started slow and felt a little bit stretch in the Second Act which I actually enjoyed though so nevermind. [��] I know one important plot point from the start because of the movie and also the sequel's title and that's what made me look for it all throughout the first two acts, kept asking myself the accuracy of what I have recalled.

    But then, the Third Act came and ooohh, boy, I love everything in it. It made me love the characters more, specially Darren and her sister. I love the voice of the characters. It's funny and quirky but still dark at the same time. It made me reminisce how I used to tell stories among my classmates of extraordinary things I've done and witnessed (most of them weren't entirely true). You know, how kids exaggerate events sometimes just to look cool. [��]

    I found myself crying on a scene near the end over a middle-grade paranormal book. [��] When Darren hits, it really hits. This was more like an introduction to the saga, just the beginning of Darren Shan's adventure into the supernatural and I love it. It left on a cliffhanger that will make you imagine everything that might happen on the next installments. Would want explore the vampire mythology more. Highly recommended. [��]


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