• Best ending?

    04 March 2020

    I saw the final episode of TV show The Deuce a few days ago. It was a top-notch series (albeit one strictly for adults!) with an absolutely stunning finale -- the last few minutes rank up there for me with the ending of that other TV show, Six Feet Under, which I think wraps with probably my favourite ending ever.


    It made me think about my books and how they end, and which ending I would pick as my favourite if I could only choose one. It's a tricky one to call. I've been happy with all the endings of my books. I spend a lot of time considering and planning them, and handle them as carefully as I can, and in each case I feel that I've done the best job possible. They don't always please all the fans -- especially with the long series -- but in my opinion each one is as apt a conclusion as I could conjure up.


    The Thin Executioner is one that I recall fondly, not least for the fact that it ends with a declaration of love to my then-girlfriend, now-wife.


    The ending of Zom-B seems to be the one from my multi-book series that worked best for readers, and I have to agree that I too love the way it stopped and the questions it left unanswered.


    But the one that really stands out for me is the ending of City Of The Snakes, the final book in my City trilogy. It's a quiet, gentle ending, that might not be high on the list of many other people's Best Shan Endings ever list, but for me it just worked, and it's one that I remember vividly and proudly.


    How about you guys? Which of my endings most tickled YOUR fancy? Or, conversely, when do you think I really messed it up?!? :-)



    One ending I never mess up is the ending of the Shanville Monthly, which remains pretty much the same from issue to issue! The March edition is online now, and features a Competition along with the regular news and updates. You can check it out here: https://www.darrenshan.com/news/shanville-monthly/

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