• Black Friday - Archibald Lox SALES!

    23 November 2021

    To tie in with Black Friday, I've decided to heavily reduce the price of the eBook of Archibald Lox And The Missing Princess, which is the Volume One omnibus edition of my Archibald Lox series. For this week, and this week only, it will cost just...


    $0.99 in the USA, £0.99 in the UK, €0.99 in European stores, and a similar low price in all other territories!!!


    The Missing Princess collects the first three books of the series, and presents them as a single large storyline, which is the way I originally wrote the story arc of Volume 1. This is the lowest price I've ever offered Volume 1 at, and unless I ever offer it up as a free book (which I think is highly unlikely), then this is the lowest price it's EVER going to be!! I might perhaps match that price again one day -- perhaps for Black Friday next year -- but I can't see myself ever beating it. So, if you haven't yet started on your adventures with Archibald Lox, this is the perfect time to hop onboard at a seriously cut entry price!!!


    And the good news for bargain hunters doesn't end there!! I also decided to lower the price of the eBook of the Volume 2 omnibus, The Kidnapped Prince. The discount isn't quite so generous -- hey, the book only went on sale at the start of this month! -- but I've knocked off a dollar in the USA, a pound in the UK, a euro in Europe, and a similar amount elsewhere. It WILL no doubt crop up a lower price than that at some stage down the line, but I think it will be quite a long wait before I lower it any further than that.


    The sale will run to the end of Saturday, and then the prices of both eBooks will revert to normal, so act NOW if you want to nab them at a bargain, by clicking on any of the following links:


    AMAZON STORES: http://getbook.at/ArchieVolume1

    APPLE, B&N NOOK, KOBO, and others: https://books2read.com/u/mdnKl5

    GOOGLE PLAY: https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Darren_Shan_Archibald_Lox_Volume_1_The_Missing_Pri?id=w7ADEAAAQBAJ


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