• Blog-free zone!!

    03 August 2010

    Sorry for going another long period without blogging. I know I've fallen behind in my blogging duties recently -- from blogging most days, I now blog only a couple of times a week on average, sometimes even less. There are a couple of reasons. One is Twitter -- I've found that a very useful and easy way to keep in more regular touch with fans, and I tend to update that a few times each day now, to the detriment of my blog. If you're not already following me on Twitter, check me out here: http://twitter.com/darrenshan

    The other reason is that I've found myself saying the same things over and over! One of the main things I like to blog about is my writing routine, but after a few years talking about the writing process, there isn't much to say that I haven't said before. I'm in the process of compiling my blogs into one easy-access section of my web site, so fans can check out my tips, experiences, reports, etc. But in the meantime that doesn't leave me with much fresh to blog about, so rather than just waffle on about my fairly uninteresting day-to-day life, I've slowed down and reduced the number of blogs which I put out.

    Anyway, for the record, here's what I've been up to this past week...

    I finished writing the first draft of the new book -- it's book 6 of a new series which I can't talk about yet, so there's no point asking me what it's about. I've been busy looking for tiles and floorboards for the extension to my house. I went to see Leonard Cohen in Lisadell House -- an amazing gig. I've been seeing a lot of my uncle Derek, cousin Little John, and their families, including a trip to Craggaunowen. I started another edit of the second book of The Saga Of Larten Crepsley. I've been watching season 3 of Heroes. I went to see Inception and loved it. And that's pretty much it!!! I'll try not to let a complete week go between now and my next blog, but no promises!!!

    Oh -- I also issued the August issue of the Shanville Monthly, with news of my October tour of the UK and Ireland, so go check it out!! http://www.darrenshan.com/news/shanville-monthly/

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