• Book 4 paperback on sale NOW!!

    28 June 2021

    Just THREE MORE DAYS until the official release of Archibald Lox And The Forgotten Crypt, book 4 of my new series!!


    UNofficially, for those of you who want to buy it as a paperback, I can reveal that the physical edition is actually ALREADY on sale in many Amazon stores worldwide!!! Amazon won't let me set up paperbacks as pre-orders, so to ensure that it's available on July 1st, I had to release it a few days early. Annoyingly, it hasn't yet listed on the UK site, but it's on all three of the other English-speaking Amazon sites -- the USA, Canada, and Australia -- and some of their other global stores too, and it should go live on the UK site and the remaining sites over the next few days. I'm including links for a few of the stores below.


    As with the Volume 1 books, my advice is to buy the eBooks, because they're a LOT cheaper. The Archibald Lox books are self-published, which means the physical editions are quite expensive. You'll be able to buy all three eBooks in Volume 2 for the same price as the paperback of Volume 1.


    If you LOVE physical copies, and simply MUST have a book that you can hug and love, then my next bit of advice would be to wait for the OMNIBUS edition, which will most likely go on sale next spring, if not earlier. That will collect the three books into one large novel (the way I originally wrote the story) and the paperback will cost a lot less than if you buy the three shorter paperbacks. There will also be a hardback edition, which will come in around the same price as the three paperbacks, but which would look far more imposing on your book shelf!!!


    Now, having said all that, if you DON'T want to wait, and are happy to shell out for the three paperbacks, then I think you'll be happy with them. The covers look even cooler in the flesh than they do digitally, and I spent a lot of time typesetting the books, so they should "flow" more smoothly than on an eReader and appear much nicer to the eye. They're just... y'know... a bit PRICEY, and I don't want anyone thinking I'm trying to rip you guys off! I make almost exactly the same per book, whether it's bought as an eBook or a paperback. :-)


    USA: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B097XB8XDL/

    Canada: https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B097XB8XDL

    Australia: https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B097XB8XDL

    UK (coming soon!): https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B097XB8XDL


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