• Books, Films & Random Loxes

    16 July 2020

    As I've said previously on this page, one of my favourite reviewers is George Bastow over on the Books, Films & Random Lunacy site. It's not just that George usually gives my books a glowing review -- always a good starting point! -- but he writes in a very smooth, clever, amusing way, fashioning reviews that are genuinely entertaining to read, as opposed to a review that simply says, "Yeah, read it, liked it." I'm not saying there's anything wrong with a short, blunt review -- like any author, I'll take any bit of praise that's going a-begging! -- but I appreciate the time and effort that a more dedicated reviewer like George puts in. Which is why you should take a few minutes to check out his review for my first three Archibald Lox books -- not for my sake, not even for the books' sake, but for George's sake!! :-)




    While we're on the subject of Archibald Lox, here's a lovely drawing by Amity Lee, depicting a scene from the first few chapters of Book 1, when my locksmith crosses universes and runs into a very strange girl in the shadows of an abandoned aqueduct. She tells him her name is Inez. He tells her his name is Archie. It's the beginning of a beautiful friendship, but from that point on, nothing for Archie will ever again be the same...


    I wouldn't be at all surprised if we return to this aqueduct in Volume 3, which will hopefully see the light of day a couple of years or less from now. There's a little secret lurking in the shadows that I think we missed the first time round...


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