• Brevity comes at a price!

    10 April 2020

    The more eagle-eyed among you will have noticed that the three Archibald Lox eBooks that went on sale last week are all priced differently. The first one is free, the second is $1.99 or its equivalent, while the third is $2.99 or a similar price in other countries.


    I made the first one free for a few reasons. Partly it's because the Archie story is a bit different to my other series (not horror-based) and I wanted fans of my other books to be able to sample it for free before committing. Partly it seemed like a good way to hook in new fans -- it doesn't cost anything, so all you stand to lose is a few hours of your time. And partly it was because of the Covid-19 virus -- I know a lot of people have been laid off work, so I figured it would be nice to offer up something for free.


    That explains the Book 1 pricing. And the $2.99 price of Book 3 will probably be the regular price of each book going forwards.


    But why was Book 2 only $1.99?!?


    Well, the reason is because it's quite a bit shorter than the others. I know size is fairly irrelevant when it comes to eBooks -- there's no extra cost involved in releasing a 500 page book instead of a 200 page book -- but I still felt it wouldn't be right to charge full price for such a short book. Of course I could have taken some of the chapters from Book Three and stuck them onto Book Two, and charged the same price for each, but from a narrative point of view I felt it was better to stop where I did. So, yeah, long story short -- the story wanted me to keep the page count down, so I kept the price down too. That seemed like a fair deal to me -- I hope you guys agree. :-)





    Easy buying links for the Archibald Lox books.

    BOOK ONE -- free
    Amazon: http://mybook.to/ArchieBridge
    Other stores: https://books2read.com/u/4AzG7q


    BOOK TWO -- $1.99
    Amazon: http://mybook.to/ArchieEmpress
    Other stores: https://books2read.com/u/3nvQEe


    BOOK THREE -- $2.99
    Amazon: http://mybook.to/ArchieVote
    Other stores: https://books2read.com/u/bOoWJg

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