• British Fantasy Society review and REVEAL

    25 July 2022

    It's REVIEW & REVEAL time!!!


    Firstly, there was a very cool REVIEW for the final three Archibald Lox books over on the British Fantasy Society today, by veteran author and reviewer, Dave Jeffery. Mr Jeffery had a lot of flattering things to say about the third Volume, including the following, which you can bet will be going on the back cover when the omnibus edition is released later this year!


    "Shan has created a far-reaching multiverse that boggles and beguiles, with characters that cannot fail to endear or revile. Beneath its simple, straightforward narrative is a deceptively complex, immersive experience that captivates the reader in a way only a master storyteller can."


    Secondly, speaking of the omnibus edition... since the BFS is such a long-standing, hugely important cornerstone of the modern fantasy world, I decided to repay the honour of being reviewed by granting them an EXCLUSIVE REVEAL of the title of the third Archibald Lox Volume. You'll find it in the first paragraph of the review, by clicking here: https://www.britishfantasysociety.org/reviews/available-for-pre-order-the-legion-of-the-lost-archibald-lox-series-book-9-by-darrenshan-exclusive-series-news-inside-fantasy-bookreview/


    Book 9, the FINAL book in the series, goes on sale TOMORROW -- you can find direct buying links for it here: https://darrenshan.com/news/shanville-monthly


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