• Cake!!!!!

    18 September 2021

    My son Dante is having a party today, to celebrate his 7th birthday -- his actual birthday isn't until later in the coming week, but it made more sense to have the party at the weekend. In fact it's a joint party -- three of his friends all have birthdays around the same time, so the four of them decided to have one big blowout of a party, instead of four smaller affairs. So I'm going to be a busy Dad this afternoon, running around after them and their friends, and hoping the massive bouncy castle we hired doesn't blow away with the lot of them down into the river Shannon!!!! :-)


    Anyway, given that this is a birthday party day, it seemed the right time to share pictures of a couple of birthday cakes that fans of my books recently posted online.


    The first was made for Meggie-Elise by one of her friends. Maggie-Elise is a voice actor who has posted some fan readings of extracts from my books -- though I doubt she recorded any the day she was tucking into slices of this delicious-looking cake!!


    The second was for a fan called Lee-Roy, who, as the cake none-too-subtly hints, was celebrating his 30th birthday -- proof of that longstanding saying of mine -- "You're never too old to be a Shanster!!!"


    If YOU happen to be celebrating a birthday today, or in the coming week -- HAPPY FREAKING BIRTHDAY from all the gang (well, me!) at Shanville!!!




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