• Canadian highs

    02 January 2021

    I ran an end-of-year eBook sale on my very weird, very dark sci-fi novel An Other Place, released under the name of Darren Dash a few years back, and it's proved a big hit with readers, especially in Canada, where it got to #3 on the overall science fiction chart -- sweet!! It also got to #1 on the metaphysical science fiction chart, which is rather niche I know, but did provide me with the joy of seeing one of my books share chart space with a Stephen King novel. King's my favourite author, so it was lovely to see one of my Dash books top a chart with one of his books on it -- even if that book WAS released 40 or so years ago... :-)


    If you're interested in taking a trip to An Other Place, the sale runs until late tonight, so there's still time to pick it up at a bargain price. During the sale it will cost just $0.99 in the USA, £0.99 in the UK, $0.99 in Canada, $0.99 in Australia, €0.99 in Europe, and a similar price in all other Amazon stores. To buy it in your local Amazon store, click on this link: http://mybook.to/anotherplaceebook




    The first 2021 issue of the Shanville Monthly went live yesterday, with all the latest Darren Shan news and updates. Click here to have a look: https://www.darrenshan.com/news/shanville-monthly

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