• CBI Lox

    09 December 2020

    There was a short but sweet review for the first three Archibald Lox books over on the CBI (Children's Books Ireland) site recently, in which the reviewer stated "the writing is fluid and the action is fast... Book 1’s hell jackals are brilliantly terrifying... The world-building is extremely creative... A modern, Alice in Wonderland-type fantasy." You can read the full review by clicking on the following link:




    You can buy the three Archibald Lox books individually, either as paperbacks or eBooks, or you can buy them as a big, single, collected edition, called Archibald Lox Volume One: The Missing Princess, which is similarly available as either a paperback or eBook, but also as a very nice hardback if you want to treat yourself (or a loved one) and splash the cash! Oh, but if you're planning to buy any of the digital editions, wait until next week, when they'll be on sale at a discount, and you can get the Volume or the three separate eBooks for less than $3!!!


    For more into about the various editions, where they can be bought, and direct buying links, see the December issue of the Shanville Monthly: https://www.darrenshan.com/news/shanville-monthly



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