• Center Parcs 2023 ii

    19 March 2023

    When the Shans go to CenterParcs, as we did last November, we like to squeeze in a nice range of activities, rather than laze around in our rather lovely lodge all day long. We go swimming in the amazing pool every day -- it's always a highlight of any trip -- but we cast our net wider too, as these photos from that November holiday attest.

    Gaia spent one of her mornings up and close and personal with an owl. (I've done falconry a few times in the past, though not at CenterParcs, and highly recommend it. An amazing experience every time.)

    Dante and I took to the high ropes course, which ends with a HUGE zip line over a lake. We did it when we visited a year earlier, and were rather slow making progress that day, but this time we flew through the course. The zip line was still terrifying (but exhilarating) at the end though!!!

    Not having had enough of heights after the ropes course, Dante tackled some climbing walls. He's incredibly agile, and zooms up the walls like a lizard. I don't know where he gets it from -- Mrs Shan and I were never the lithest or speediest of creatures!!!! :-)

    Finally, since it was the run-up to Christmas, festive pony rides were being offered to little children. Gaia was unsure at first, when she found herself atop the pony, but quickly adapted and was very soon loving the experience.





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