• Chase Will

    20 July 2022

    As most of you probably already know, I also write books for adults, which I release under the name of Darren Dash. I checked my Darren Dash Facebook page for the first time in ages today, and came across this lovely post from a fan/reviewer/author called Chase Will from a couple of months ago -- here's the link for his site: https://chasewill.com/


    Chase's post contains a very nice recommendation for my Archibald Lox series, but also a sweet recollection of when he wrote to me, as a kid, fifteen years ago, and a scan of the letter I wrote back to him. ( By the way, I still reply to all letters with a handwritten letter of my own, so if YOU ever want to write a letter to me, click here to find out how: https://darrenshan.com/contact )


    Here's what Chase had to say in the post -- and my apologies for taking so long to spot and share this!!!


    "Ever since I was a little kid, I've been a fan of Darren Shan. Cirque du Freak, The Demonata, The Saga of Larten Crepsley, The City Trilogy, Zom-B... everything he's ever written has been a real treat, and I've even had to purchase second copies of a few of his books because the spines wore out from re-reading then so often.


    "I wrote to Darren when I was in high school, asking various questions about his writing and editing habits and using his advice to make progress as a fiction writer. Although he lives way over in The U.K., Shan always took the time to not only reply to my questions but also mail physical letters. I struggle to think of another number-one bestselling author who'd go that extra mile for fans.


    "If you'd told me way back then that someday I'd have the privilege of reading his latest works MONTHS before they hit bookstores, I probably would've burned you alive and salted the earth (y'know...as you're supposed to do with fibbers). But, in addition to his last few adult novels, he's also let me read his latest YA series, "Archibald Lox," as each book is released. This still blows my mind. Turns out, meeting your heroes is pretty rad sometimes!


    "This new series is AMAZING, and it has all the magic and intrigue that's kept me a fan of his for almost twenty years. I tore through the series pretty quickly, finishing all nine books in three days because they're so damn good! I definitely recommend this series to fantasy-horror fans who want a fast-paced, edge-of-your-seat story that doesn't demand weeks of precious reading time. If you're the parent of a reluctant reader, "Archibald Lox" is a great gateway series for children ages 10 and up.


    "You can find the "Archibald Lox" series at the link below...and the first ebook is FREE! I highly recommend checking out his other series as well, especially Cirque du Freak."





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