• Cirque Du Freak manga omnibus

    18 August 2020

    I was surprised when a fan got in touch with me recently, to say that Yen Press had announced on Twitter and Facebook that they were going to release an omnibus edition of the Cirque Du Freak manga. It was the first I'd heard of it -- or so I thought! In fact, when I looked back through my records, I found that Yen Press had approached me in late 2018, asking if they could produce an omnibus edition of the manga, featuring two titles in each volume. (So, Volume 1 would collect Books 1 and 2, Volume 2 would collect Books 3 and 4, etc.) I agreed to this, but then so much time passed that I assumed they'd changed their minds and decided not to proceed with the plan, and I forgot about it!


    Anyway, it's been a long and complicated journey -- because the manga was originally published in Japan, my Japanese publishers control the copyright -- but there does finally appear to be light at the end of the tunnel, with Yen Press announcing a date in January for the release of the first omnibus edition -- see the attached photo.


    There's much about this that still has to be clarified, such as will they release all six volumes of the omnibus at once, or if not, what will the waiting period between each volume be? Will these only be available in the USA, or in other countries? And we're still working on making a digital edition available, though it's unclear whether this will happen at the same time as the omnibus editions, or if it will now be pushed back. I'll share those answers as and when they get answered, but for now, manga fans can stick 19th January 2021 in their diaries... and keep their fingers crossed!!! :-)


    Oh, and here's the link to the omnibus page on the Yen Press website, though there's not much info there yet, and some of the details listed appear to be incorrect -- I think it's going to be much longer than 208 pages! https://yenpress.com/9781975320058/cirque-du-freak-the-manga-vol-1/#book-description-full



    A quick reminder that you can currently buy all three books of the first Volume of my new Archibald Lox series for less than $2!!! (£1.60 in the UK, €1.80 across Europe, a similar low price in all the other markets.) Click here to find out more: https://www.darrenshan.com/news/article/archibald-lox-sale

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