• Cirque Du Kane!

    12 January 2023

    The Cirque Du Freak movie pops up on all sorts of Best Of and Worst Of lists, and I'm always happy to share the links when that happens, whether the compilers are sympathetic to the movie or slagging it off. Having had nothing to do with the making of the movie, I don't take any praise or insults personally (unless they happen to be related to the books, e.g. someone saying the movie was terrible but the books were great, or vice versa), so I can present these things fairly neutrally.


    But there was a list on Buzzfeed a while back which genuinely has me scratching my head with bewilderment. It was entitled 26 Movies That Looked Good But Were Mega Disappointing. They were movies that, in the opinion of the "Buzzfeed community" were overhyped and crushingly disappointing. You can check out the full list by clicking on the following link, and please DO check it out, as I want to know if YOU are as confused by it as I am!!!




    OK, so we get some properly bad movies which, in my opinion, definitely deserve to be on a list like this -- Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker is easily the worst film in that series, such a terrible way to wrap up the story of the original three trilogies. The first Suicide Squad film was as joyless as the reboot was joyful. I don't think the Eragon movie worked for anyone. And I too thought Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children was a misfire.


    But then you get Napoleon Dynamite -- whaaaaaat?!? The first Lord Of The Rings movie -- huh?!? Boyhood... A Quiet Place... The Shining... all films I'd expect to find on a Best Of list. (Although I must admit I've never seen why so many people go gaga for The Shining. A very good film, certainly, but I far preferred the book.)


    And then... there it was... my eyes boggled and I had to do a double take...




    Yep, Citizen Kane, on a Most Disappointing Movies Ever Made list. Now, I DO think Kane is ever so slightly over-rated, and I wouldn't list it in MY top ten films of all time, but hell, it isn't TOO far outside that list! It's an immaculately made, incredibly modern film that almost seems timeless -- hard to believe it was made 80 years ago!


    All I can say in summation is.. if the Cirque Du Freak film is rubbing shoulder with Citizen Kane on ANY list of movies, I don't care WHAT that list is called, I think everyone associated with the film can be very proud of themselves indeed!!!!!


    Right -- I'm off to find out when do we get a double bill of Cirque Du Freak and Citizen Kane playing at my local cineplex?!?!?!?!?



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