• Cirque Du Loss

    15 April 2021

    Over the years, several bands/musicians have recorded songs based on my books. When the latest of those (Cirque Du Freak by Evelyn's Casket) started streaming recently, I started thinking about creating a YouTube playlist that would bring the various songs together in one easily accessible place -- in effect, the first ever fan-recorded Darren Shan album.


    Of the 8 songs that I have on file, four were based on my vampire books (mostly Cirque Du Freak), and four on my demons books (mostly Lord Loss), so I decided to call the playlist (album)...




    I've arranged them as if I was putting together an album, trying to create a natural flow. The first half is devoted to the vampire songs, and it begins with a bang, with a few very rocky numbers. It gets softer and slower in the second half, with some etheral and unsettling demon-based tunes.


    (The last song, Lord Loss, is only available in an instrumental version on YouTube, but when you get to it, you'll see a link for the full version on Soundcloud, which I highly recommend.)


    I really like the "album," and at under half an hour in total, I think it has a nice running time too. There's no charge to listen to the playlist -- if you enjoy the songs, all I'd ask that you give each song a quick like on YouTube, and share the playlist with anyone else you think might get a kick out of it too.




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