• Crazy Coupe

    05 April 2020

    A few photos of my two little monsters, Dante and Gaia, playing with their Crazy Coupe car a few weeks ago. Three things I love about these:


    1 - their colour-coordinated clothing!! :-) :-) :-) (This was actually just a fluke -- we don't seriously dress them to match.)


    2 - the adoration and awe that Gaia has for her older brother. She loves it when he plays with her and makes her part of his world. The Covid-19 virus has been a major pain in most ways, of course, but it's forced them to spend more time together, and a real bond is beginning to blossom between them, so Mrs Shan and I are grateful for that small mercy.


    3 - how seriously Dante is taking it. The car was his when he was a nipper. He's long outgrown it, and never really looks at it any more, but he stepped back into the past on that day, and it was lovely to see.





    Right -- that's enough proud father rambling for one day!! Let's lob into some business Shananigans before we all get too misty-eyed!!!


    I released the first three eBooks of my new Archibald Lox fantasy series during the week. Book One is FREE to download and the other two are very keenly priced. They're on sale through most online booksellers worldwide -- Amazon, Kobo (apparently Kobo is a good store to use if you live in a country without an Amazon store, e.g. Hungary), Barnes & Noble, iBooks, etc, and coming to Google Place Book soon. Here are some direct links for you, to make them easier to find.


    Amazon: http://mybook.to/ArchieBridge
    Other stores: https://books2read.com/u/4AzG7q


    Amazon: http://mybook.to/ArchieEmpress
    Other stores: https://books2read.com/u/3nvQEe


    Amazon: http://mybook.to/ArchieVote
    Other stores: https://books2read.com/u/bOoWJg

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