• Cuppa Joe Freak?!?

    05 February 2021

    Look what I spotted in an Owlcrate goody box last year -- Cirque Du Freak coffee!!


    Owlcrate is a company in the USA that sends out a box to subscribers each month, containing a book and some book-releated or book-inspired goodies. The coffee was included in the June box, where the theme was All The World's A Stage, and you can see what else was in it in the second photo. Owlcrate didn't make the coffee -- they simply included it in their box. The company that made it never sought permission to use the "Cirque Du Freak" brand name, but it was only a temporary edition and is out of stock now, which is probably for the best -- I mean, as cool as it would be to have a pack of this on your shelf or nestling next to your Cirque Du Freak book collection, if it was still on sale, Mr Tall would have had to send in his legal team to negotiate with the manufacturers, and the lawyer he uses in situations such as this one is... the Wolf-Man!!! ArrrrrrooooOOOOOOO!!!!! :-) :-) -)






    If you haven't yet read the February issue of the Shanville Monthly newsletter, why not pour yourself a cup of coffee now and settle down for a quick peruse? Lots of Darren Shan news and updates, including info about Volume 1 of the Cirque Du Freak manga omnibus. https://www.darrenshan.com/news/shanville-monthly

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