• D.E.A.R. books…

    12 April 2019

    It's D.E.A.R. day in many countries across the world today -- D.E.A.R. stands, of course, for Drop Everything And Read. At midday local time, many teachers and students -- along with anyone else who wants to get involved -- will be putting all other considerations aside for half an hour or thereabouts, to pick up a book and read. It's a cool little initiative, and while it would be great to have a worldwide D.E.A.R. day every week, we'll settle for once a year if we have to, safe in the knowledge that it will generate at least SOME new readers. (Some schools do it every day for a week.)


    I absolutely LOVE how the staff and students in CBS St James in Ireland have prepared for D.E.A.R. First, they transformed their staircase into a bookcase, as you can see in the first two photos. (The eagle-eyed among you might spot a satisfyingly freaky tome close to the top step!) They then prepared baskets full of books that match the titles on the stairs, and they will be distributing these among themselves at 12 noon today, and the only sound for the next thirty minutes will be the sound of turning pages. (And maybe some gasping and squealing from those who are reading Cirque Du Freak...)


    If YOU have some free time today when the clock strikes 12, you too can become part of D.E.A.R. -- just pick up a book and read. For a bit more info about it, and how it got started, click here: http://www.readingrockets.org/calendar/dear



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