• Daddy Shanbucks!

    24 April 2020

    Let's head into the weekend with a chuckle...


    I met up with an old friend of mine shortly before the lockdown started (hi, Cathy!) and we went for a meal and to see a David Bowie tribute act. The next day she was chatting about me with a young cousin of hers, who immediately wanted to know how much I was worth! In the old days there could have been no answering that question, but in this era of the internet that should be a fairly easy fact to find out, right? So she popped online, and lo and behold, there it was, on a site called Celebstrendingnow dot com (Facebook won't let me link to it, so they obviously already know that it's a home of Fake News chancers). And according to them, I'm worth a nice little...


    ...wait for it...


    124 million dollars!!!


    That's not a typo! And there are no decimal points involved!




    Cathy, of course, knew that was absolute nonsense (I've done nicely out of my books, there's no denying that, but nowhere even NEAR that sort of a figure -- if that figure was the Sun, I'm so far removed from it that you'd have to call me Pluto!). But that didn't stop her from dropping me the link accompanied by a cheeky little text:


    "If I'd known you were worth that much, I wouldn't have paid for the meal last night!!!"


    :-) :-) :-)


    Right folks, enjoy your weekend. I'm off to spend it on my kilometre-long yacht, where I'll be bathing in a hot tub filled with champagne -- so much bubblier than normal old bath water!!


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