• Dark Blood

    11 September 2020

    I spotted a couple of articles recently about a young, first-time novelist in Wigan called Taylor Walker, who has cited a meeting with me as a turning point in her path to publication, which was very flattering. The novel is called Dark Blood: The Beginning, and you can read more about the book and Taylor (and me!) by clicking on either of the following links:






    Just to quickly point out -- one of the articles states that I published my first book when I was 21, but that's inaccurate -- I was actually 26. Still very young for a first time author -- I always tell would-be writers in their teens or early twenties that they have LOADS of time to develop, and that they shouldn't feel too disheartened if things don't happen quickly for them. Good writing only comes with time and lots of hard work. I pushed myself harder than most people do when they're starting out (at the expense of anything even approaching a social life for several years), which is why I "blossomed" so swiftly, but if you want to have some fun and life-experiences in your late teens and twenties and even thirties - which I think you SHOULD -- then don't worry too much if you find yourself pushing 30 or even 40 without having made a breakthrough. Time is still very much on your side. Well, unless, y'know, the grim reaper has other ideas for you... :-)


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