• Darren and Steve - an arc

    03 September 2022

    In Cirque Du Freak, I always saw Darren and Steve as two sides of the same coin. While neither is based directly on myself, there are strong elements of me in both characters, and I basically used them to explore how I might respond to life in two very different ways, depending on the paths that random fate (or DesTiny!!) directed me down.


    These four drawings, all by NOEL, beautifully capture the arc of the pair's friendship. In the first two we see them before their trip to the Cirque Du Freak, playing soldiers and telling ghost stories. A pair of very normal kids, who may well have stayed best friends for the rest of their lives.


    The third drawing captures them as their lives descend into the chaos, just after Madam Octa has bitten Steve. They don't know it yet, but the shadows of the night have claimed them, and the rest of their lives will be spent navigating in the dark, in opposition to one another.


    The final drawing dates from much further down the line, as they wish they could go back to those carefree early days, but as the band Buggles so aptly put it, "we can't rewind..."


    Amazing work, Noel -- many thanks for sharing these with us!


    Want a chance to win a signed, EXTREMELY rare Darren Shan book?!? Find out how, here: https://darrenshan.com/news/shanville-monthly





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