• Demonpedia!

    24 April 2019

    When I was writing about the Kallin -- characters from my Demonata series -- last week, I did a quick Google search on them, just to make absolutely sure that I was right in assuming that they only featured in Demon Thief. It's been a long time, and I wondered if I might have used them again later in the story line -- back in the day, I'd toyed with the idea of having them return, and I was very sure that I hadn't followed through with that idea, but, y'know, it's always better to be safe than sorry...


    Anyway, while I was searching, I came across this Wikepedia page, which lists most of the named characters and demons from the Demonata. It even includes a Grady family tree, which would have been very useful for me when I was writing the series! :-)


    WARNING -- the page contains spoilers galore, so you shouldn't read it unless you've read all of the series, but for those familiar with my demonic symphony, it should stir some fond old memories and remind you of just how twisted and remarkable a ride the journey was. I don't have a favourite series that I've written, but The Demonata is the one I'm proudest of, because it was so damn ambitious and so damn tricky to pull off!




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