• Fancha Mart?!?

    22 April 2022

    I've added a LOT of fan art to my folder over the last few months (much of it by a busy, talented fan on Twitter called Noel), so I'm going for a double-hitter this weekend, with four pieces today, and four more tomorrow. Let's kick things off with four drawings of that most dashing of Vampire Princes... Vancha March!! (New phrase for us all, whcih I've just coined -- Vancha March Fan Art from now on = Fancha Mart!!!!)


    For many years, nobody knew the secret behind Sire March's lustrous green locks, until all was revealed in The Saga Of Larten Crepsley, when we found out (SPOILERS alert!!!) that he was in the habit of wiping his spit and snot through his hair, and over the centuries that had turned the strands green!!! Ewwwwww!!!!! The first three drawings reflect this most stomach-turning of revelations. The first two were drawn by Noel, and the third by Amanda.


    I imagine Vancha wouldn't be too happy that we were mocking his "beautiful" green hair in this fashion, and would probably have harsh words for Noel and Amanda if their paths ever crossed. But I'd sure he'd have nothing but effusive praise for Hatsune, the artists behind the fourth drawing. "Now THAT!" I can hear him exclaiming. "THAT is what I see every time I look in a mirror!!!!"





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