• Favourite ending

    17 January 2023

    A Tweeter with the handle @MetalZero2023 posted this comment earlier today:


    "I’ve just finished reading Zom-B Goddess by @darrenshan. The ending made me really happy and also a bit emotional. I love how the story ended."


    That was sweet music to my ears! It's always a pleasure - and a relief! - when the ending of a long series lives up to a reader's expectations, because I know there are plenty of readers who have been disappointed with the grand finales of various series over the years!!! I've experience it myself on occasion. It's a hard thing, when you've invested so much time in a long series of books, if the ending of the final book doesn't live up to what you had hoped for. Sometimes that can be the writer's fault, if they simply come up with a poor resolution to their story, but I think sometimes it can be our (readers) fault too, if we yearn for something ultra-mega and demand an impossibly brilliant tying-up of all plot-lines. "Damn you for not giving me perfection!!!" :-) :-) :-)


    Anyway, the ending of Zom-B clearly worked for this particular Tweeter -- phew!!! I must admit, I was very pleased with how it ended too -- as I've said before, I actually had a different, far bleaker ending in mind right from the very beginning, but when I got to book 12, the character of B wouldn't let me wrap it up the way I'd planned, and demanded I come up with a whole other conclusion. While that made my job harder than it otherwise would have been -- it isn't easy, coming up with a brand new denouement when you've already written 99% of a series!!! -- the ending that exists is much better than the one I was going to go with, so I didn't mind too much.


    Speaking of endings... I'm curious now, to hear from you guys. I've written several long series -- The Saga Of Darren Shan/Cirque Du Freak, The Demonata, The Saga Of Larten Crepsley, Zom-B, Archibald Lox, and The City Trilogy for adults. If you've read all of them -- or at least more than one -- do you have a favourite series ending out of them? Or, alternatively, one that you absolutely hated?!? It's too late now to change any of them (not that I ever would anyway!), but it would be interesting to hear what you, the readers, have to say on the matter.


    Oh, you want to know MY favourite, to kick things off? Well, I don't have an out-and-out fave, as I've liked the way all of them have finished, but the one that perhaps makes me smile fondly more than any other if I ever go and look back at them is the ending of The City trilogy. Though I might have a different answer if you asked me tomorrow!!


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